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Asbestos Removal

Asbestos Removal

We understand that asbestos can be a sensitive subject and that its presence of the a potential cancer causing material within your building needs to be managed effectively.

Helix offer a number of services within the asbestos abatement sector. Our team have the facilities to cater for any scale of job from a single bag pick up to industrial demolition. All of our works run along HSE guidelines and remain compliant with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 document.

Non-Licensed (including Notifiable Non-Licensed) Removal

Some of the products that are included in this (but not limited to) are found below;

  • Cement Products (flues/ soil pipes, roof shingles, bath panels, corrugated sheets)
  • Reinforced Composite Materials (floor tiles, toilet cisterns)
  • Textured Coatings/ Artex
  • Asbestos Insulating Board (if it falls under Short Duration Works)
  • Textiles (strings, rope seals, flashguards, paper- backed linoleum flooring)
  • Well Bound materials (Mastics, Bitumen Products such as DPC and Sink Pads)

Waste Collection

It is a legal requirement to undertake a Refurbishment/Demolition Survey prior to major refurbishment/demolition works.

This could be for a kitchen upgrade, rewire, roof renewal or full property demolition. Our Asbestos Surveyors will go as far as reasonably practicable along the scope of the planned works to ensure any asbestos is identified. From here the job spec can be altered or the asbestos removed/ remediated to ensure the job is completed safely.